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Emplacement : malaysia, Labuan
Biographie : Cecilia Quadrenni lives in Arezzo, Italy, and has written songs since she was 15. She is passionate about all forms of art and during her early childhood she studies violin, mime and acting. Her passion for experimentation broaden the boundaries of her musical world; her remake of Concierto de Aranjuez, a classic masterpiece by Joaquin Rodriguez, often sung by lyric singers such as Carreras and Bocelli, brings her to be known by an international audience. En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor, sung in Spanish by Cecilia is the only purely pop-style remake of the song. Her version scores great online results in Spain, Latin America and the Middle East. During August 2011 a British music manager is struck by her voice and contacts her for a tour of the best music gigs in London. While touring with a guitar player and singing her songs she realizes that her acoustic covers of famous songs have a great impact on the audience; as a result she decides to bring to Italy this project creating her debut EP.
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