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Emplacement : senegal, Dakar
Biographie : Fla The Ripper and Mistamase: The Renaissance of African Hip-Hop Despite the fact that the senegalese hip-hop struggling to gain recognition in the Hip-Hop world, the rapper who the magazine INTERNATIONAL HIP-HOP consider as the most promising MC, Fla The Ripper join forces with the efficient producer MistaMase to map a direction for african rap music for a brighter futur . It is a pleasure to write about “Renaissance “ album beyond my affection for the artist, the album is refreshing and innovative. Fla The Ripper wins the bet he had made. Renaissance is a compilation of songs sorted conscious and thoughtful. It is a breath of fresh air in a generous and lucid Hiphop world. The album has 24 tracks including a bonus track hidden. Fla The Ripper imposes a style and chooses to rap in English . Although some titles are in Wolof, the opening is intended for an audience Senegalese, African and international. The product fits perfectly with the requirements of the international music market. Through sound, the more melodious than the others, the album is varied while remaining rooted in a certain modernity. Mistamase brings a new vision and contribute fully to the development of Hiphop music in Senegal. We feel through this project, the beatmaker’s musical influences (R & B and Soul) without an inclination towards a forgotten tradition “Old school”. This album is a hype and conscious. Altruistic is another word that comes to my mind. Renaissance has 8 features. Fla The Ripper did a wink to the entire community Hiphop, I think especially his brothers in arms Alien Zik. Balanced, is also a word that clearly defines “Renaissance” album, which also includes 6 interludes, including my favorite "Power to the People." Meditated for 7 long years, the album is vaporous and digest ... Artist name: FLA THE RIPPER & MISTAMASE Album title: RENAISSANCE Date and year of release: December 15th 2012 Country: Senegal
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