3 Abonnés
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Pistes 8
Emplacement : senegal, Dakar
Biographie : The Band ‘Gëstu’ means ‘research’, ‘to deepen’, in Wolof, Senegal’s traditional language. Research and create new compositions through blending different styles of music and culture is what this young band from Dakar is dedicated to. Originating from three different countries they want to spread their dream of a peaceful and productive co-existence of cultures. ‘Gëstu’ plays own compositions which are arranged collectively by the group. Their music is full of emotions and warmth, melting influences from modern European Jazz, African rhythms and grooves and catchy melodies. You find them performing regularly around Dakar, e.g. at ‘Djoloff’, German Ambassy and Goethe Insitut .. Membres du groupe Ambroise Zinsou - - trombone, saxophone Conny Schneider - saxophone, trumpet Lamine Faye - bass, audio engineer Mermoz Deguenon - piano Pape Abdoulaye Dieng - drums Fondation en juillet 2017
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