132 Abonnés
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Emplacement : senegal, Dakar
Biographie : Artiste Rufisquois de L'année 2012 ONEBEAT fellow 2012 Nominé Tube de l'année et Meilleur Video 2012 Meilleur Mixtape et Artiste Undergroud 2012 Révélation Rap 2011 Finaliste National Néscafé African Révélation 2010 Growing up in the working class neighborhood of Rufisque, Senegal, Paul Pissety Sagna (aka PPS) hustled his way into the spotlight as a politically conscientious rapper and banner-bearing graffiti artist. While admired for his poetic lyrics and steady flow, his talents surpass these typical markers of a successful M.C. His ethos of “Guimi Guindi,” to stay awake and conscientious, is his driving principle. A top contender in the national competition Nescafe African Revelation, Paul (self styled as P.P.S. the Writah) grabbed the attention of ROO RAP PROD’ACTION, a respected French label that released his debut high-octane solo album, The Xtape, in 2011. P.P.S.’s passion for hip hop emerged alongside an intractable sense of social responsibility. A herald of the genre’s “golden age,” the rapper is the product of an emerging African style, embracing the ethos that hip hop can once again signal a renaissance of youth culture.
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