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Emplacement : senegal, Dakar
Biographie : A BIG DOSE OF IMAGES HAVING A LINK TO THE LAND AND EARTH, CULTURE, HISTORY AND COSMOGONY ------ Sahad means "harvest" in serer and "resurrection" in wolof. It is also the first name of the lead singer of Sahad and The Nataal Patchwork. This group is a cultural crossroads where musicians from different backgrounds meet. Together, they are part of the current youth movement who have a new lease on African music. With a very refined style their vibrations transport, move, and transcend the body. The universal language of their melodies and rhythms speak to our souls. Sahad sings in several languages, filling the texts with a certain spirituality and insistance on our humanity. The goal of this accumulation is to share a message of love and tolerance. ------- AWARDS AND COMPETITIONS Official selection SXSW South by South West - Austin, Etats Unis Visa for Music -Rabat, Maroc "Tanit d’or" Journées Musicales de Carthage - Tunisie Finalist of the Marché International de l'Edition musicale - France "Afro Pépites show" Le Rêve africain - France -------- THE FIRST ALBUM Jiw is the first album of Sahad and the Nataal patchwork which is a long conquest of Research and the starting point of a discovering adventure of the musical practices. Jiw is eight years of research and réflexions, of questioning which is the result of a contested humanity and engagement. The human being is at the center of the cercle of the Senegalese circle. "Salaamaleg" powerfuly strong starts the album with lots of hope towards a peaceful world; to "Faagaagal" a call to explore the interior wealth which is present in each and everyone of us; passing by the very political song "indépendance / Dipandaa" questioning the independance desire, the cultural and economical sovereignty. Influences Richard Bona, Mark Knopfler, Cheikh lo, Keziah Jones, Souleymane Faye, Majnun, Remna Schawrz, Alibeta, Féfé, Youssou Ndour, Chic Correa, Fela Kuti, Farka Touré, Ben Harper, Sara Tavares, Marley, Asa, Baye Djiby Sam Fall, etc.
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